*You will help design and create the Miracle Demi-God Avatar with our team. This Avatar will be an exclusive Avatar built and created for Demi-God owners. Each player who purchases a Demi-God pack will receive this limited item that will only be available to Demi-God players and of course our Gods! Every Demi-God will get a say in what we do as we will put each decision up to vote and take all ideas into consideration. Miracle grade Demi-God Avatars will feature a unique level 100 ascension that will give the Avatar some special visual and game mechanic features.
* One (1) Demi-God Mode banner, player name color and player Icon. Let players in the game know they are playing against a Demi-God! Each time you enter a game your player Icon, name color and banner will all be an exclusive Demi-God-Mode version. All other players will see this and recognize they are already amongst the best! Even better, your icon on the leader boards will also reflect this amazing achievement as players will watch your Demi-God icon move up!
* In-game private chat that is only accessible to Demi-Gods and of course our actual Gods as well. This chat will allow you to discuss everything Mini-Gamez, plan your guild activities and have a place to chat with other enthusiastic players. This will be your own private sanctuary for the Demi-Gods to hang out and chat about anything relevant.
* One (1) Blood of the Demi-God – The Demi-God Blood is a very special in-game item that only Demi-Gods obtain. Gods have the ability to initiate special games within Mini-Gamez. These games are difficult for everyone except the Gods. Demi-Gods, however, are equal part God and player. With this, the blood of the Demi-Gods run deep with both. Because of this, when a Demi-God enters a God-Mode mini-game all players playing against the Gods will receive a special boost to help them conquer these special games. Blood of the Demi-God simply will give players a better shot at winning some sweet, sweet loot.
*Demi-God-Pool - At the end of each season a total of TWO Percent (2%) of ALL In-Game sales during the first year’s season will be kicked back to a pool. This pool will be divided amongst all Demi-God-Mode players evenly. This means as a Demi-God Mode player you will earn money for each season we run during the first year, with a planned rotation of every 4 months. Which means, every 4 months you will receive your chunk of the total sales up until the end of the first year. We want to thank you for believing in us so early on and we think this is a fair way for you to earn a continued kick back for your efforts. We wanted to keep this as simple and strait forward as possible. This means the more successful we are the more successful you are!
*Path of the Demi-God – This will give the player the ability to once a day use your Demi-God powers to help yourself and your fellow players. When you activate this power, you will gain double Mini-Coins for 20 minutes for both yourself and any player who plays with you. Demi-Gods are the bridge between humanity and the Gods. This power will allow them to give back to all players who join in.
*Name the first years Epic Grade, Season Pass, Avatars - The first year will have four (4) seasons. You and the other Demi-Gods will be naming each Seasons highlighted Epic Avtar. You will get the first look at it and of course as Demi-God Mode players you will get one of the Avatars as they are released to the public! However, you all will invoke your Demi-God powers and name each Epic Avatar!